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Truth & Tales® is a small, quality-focused imprint supporting a group of authors & artists seeking to share their skills. We help prep, polish, print, publish & present their work. We also offer an additional marketing outlet, because one can never have too many.


For children, we pursue imaginative, rhyming, read-aloud & interactive fiction & fact that fits our motto:

Oceans of creation harboring pearls of education™.

Stack of Books


From memoirs to manuals, we document life experiences, deliver ideas, offer life strategies, provide inspiration, and help you plan, manage, and accomplish your goals.

Reading on a Bench


Have an awesome story to tell?

Is it mystery? Adventure? Romance?

Do you need help writing it? Does it need to be dictated?  Perhaps it is finished and ready for the next step?

We're here. 

Reading on a Bench


Oceans of creation

harboring pearls of education™

It all matters

when it comes to children’s books. 

We help navigate the journey from

clever concept to finished product.

We are industriously building our small business,

and we’d love to hear from you!


Please visit again to check our progress

as we add new offerings.


If you like the look and feel of antique & vintage books,

please visit BookCandy on ebay.

(Those sales help our construction costs!)


As new titles become available,

they will be offered internationally on various platforms TBD.


Also, stay tuned for contests & giveaway-yays!

Thanks for your interest & support!


Do You Have a Story?
Target Age Group
Stage of completion

​© 2019 - 2025 Truth & Tales LLC. All Rights Reserved. “Truth & Tales” is a registered trademark with the US Patent & Trademark Office.

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